Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cape Fear Botanical Gardens (Again)

Fountain at Cape Fear Botanical Gardens

Since it had been a couple months since my last visit to the Cape Fear Botanical Gardens, I decided to pay a summertime visit to the gardens. Although I started my trip with low expectations (I assumed the summer heat would have killed most of the blossoms), I was pleasantly surprised by the lushness of the garden (I guess the humidity that we've suffered through has really benefited the plants!)

Flooded Cape Fear River

Although I was impressed with the garden, I was most interested in seeing the Cape Fear River. With the recent tropical storm that passed through North Carolina, I knew the river would be well above its normal level. After encountering the river trail, I was quite surprised that they didn't have it closed off for the weekend; there were numerous trees down along the trail, and the river had overtaken part of the trail. Fortunately, one of the river overlooks provided a welcome rest in the shade (I actually sat there and wrote for an hour.) Sadly, since the trail was flooded, I was forced to turn around and re-walk the path back to the garden entrance.

Daylilies in Bloom

Fortunately, once out of the forest and on higher ground, I was able to continue walking the grounds (which were relatively empty due to the heat and humidity.) Although most of the garden remained as it was two-months ago, I was surprised to find a massive collection of daylilies in bloom. I found this lily particularly nice (though I didn't spend much time exploring the lilies since the sun was quite intense! Overall, it was a very pleasant afternoon in the garden.

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